Hello, World! I’m leahmarie…
A corporate exec-turned-nonprofit enthusiast. Add film and TV experience, image consultant certification, and a financial services license. Sprinkle the love of my son, my family and friends. Finally, Stir in a healthy dose of business development strategy work…. And what do you have?
A business and social entrepreneur (aka hope junkie) passionate about elevating the lives of others locally, nationally and globally.
Everything I have done, every high and low I’ve experienced, has so beautifully led me to this point in my life and created the recipe that is my life.
I believe in the human spirit, especially the female spirit.
I [re]discovered my spirit when my world spun and flipped over. I uncovered the strength within me to meet the challenges with grace and ease. With more that 50 years of life experience, I’m driven to share my journey and to mentor and inspire women, all over the world, to elevate their lives and to overcome the challenges that prevent them from truly living their lives to the fullest, and with grace and ease.
There are five key spices (ingredients) that give my life flavor:
Connection. As humans we are all connected. Because of these connections, we impact one another, and we can choose with integrity to have a positive impact on others. I believe it is my purpose to have a positive impact in what I do. I believe in transforming my awareness into action forward.
Humor. I believe in humor as part of the human spirit. Humor is a component of love.
Elevation. I believe it’s my responsibility to identify and provide access to resources to help others elevate their lives. Strength and resilience are keys to elevating life and the human spirit.
Giving and Forgiving. I believe that all humans have experienced pain and suffering, and that contributes to their behavior patterns. Because of this, I believe it is important to forgive easily and reserve judgment. The keys to forgiveness are generosity of spirit, time, and compassion. I believe in giving without the expectation of receiving.
Family. Family is an integral part of a caring, connected, joyful human experience. I believe in being fully present, available, and generous with my time for family.
My life mantra is to “move through live with grace and ease”.
I’m obsessed with building a world community of hope junkies – who have the drive to explore and [re]discover their human spirit.